With 35 years of experience between miniature painting, tabletop gaming, fantasy, and military model figure contests, Phoenix Art Productions has one simple mission: to support tabletop gamers and collectors with professional services. We do the job. You enjoy playing or collecting!
“I discovered wargame miniatures visiting my local hobby store in 1988, winning my first contest at the age of 16. Since then, I’ve been an avid miniature painter, wargame player, and collector, supporting gamers and my local club. I always pushed myself to evolve in the hobby, challenging ambitious contests like the Golden Demon or international historical miniatures expo like Le Petit Soldat, the Red Devils Awards and EuRoma. These results have been a strong motivation to continue learning new techniques to meet clients’ satisfaction on a rapidly evolving and demanding hobby.”
Dan, Owner of Phoenix Art Productions
With the talent and passion, we have the capability to deliver premium solutions, quickly deploying your miniatures on a battlefield table or transforming your project into a unique, shining collection.
Located in Oxford